Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My baby started kindergarten today. It's hard to believe. There was a "Boo Hoo Breakfast" for the kindergarten parents. It's so silly to feel this bittersweet--she's going half days every day, instead of half days 3x's a week like for preschool, and she even uses the same door as last year to get to her room!

The moms at the breakfast were very nice. I met someone who's only lived here a week. I invited her to Alpine Church. Those of us whose oldest children were beginning kindergarten were all a bit sad, and some cried. (I cried at home this morning. . . and again when AJ and I left and saw Grace playing on the playground.) The moms whose youngest were beginning kindergarten were pretty excited. They finally have free time!!

Anyhow, it's a short day today so Grace is only there from 8:05 until 10:10. I think we'll still go to the gym. I didn't want to overwhelm her, but I think consistency is good for her. And for me, too! It's Wednesday--CORE ab training day.

Here's Grace before leaving this morning:
Grace getting ready to go to Kindergarten!

Outside the classroom.

Busy at school


  1. Grace looks so grown up (and very happy, might I add!)
    It's always hardest on the moms!

  2. She's so cute! She looks just like you. It's hard to believe she's that big. I remember watching her when she was less than a year old--baby Einstein!
