Monday, November 30, 2009


We had our ultrasound today. There is one healthy, active baby swimming around! It was too soon to tell gender, but a relief to know that everything looks normal.

It was fun to watch the baby moving sooo much!!!

And they told me to show up with a full bladder. Turns out that wasn't necessary and in fact just made me super uncomfortable. grrrr. . . .

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Yesterday I had my first OB appointment. I felt so relieved. I believe the best choice for me with this pregnancy is to be with an OB for care rather than a midwife--close to the hospital and under the care of a medical doctor. It just sat better in my spirit.

I consulted the dr on my nutrition issue. She said I need to eat high calorie, low fat . . .like smoothies and pasta. We are going to see if I lose a significant amount weight within the next month and if so, I will meet with a nutritionist. So fat, I've lost 17 pounds on the scale. Probably more, considering my belly is growing.

Speaking of which. . . . I should be about 10 weeks along. I have the temp chart to prove it! We discussed my due date, came to an agreement (June 18, which happens to be my daughter Grace's birthday!) and then came the exam. The dr. echoed the opinion of the midwife I saw a month ago that I was measuring very large--currently 14 weeks, rather than 10. She said she wouldn't be surprised if we were having TWINS!!! YIKES!

We have an ultrasound scheduled for this Monday afternoon. I don't know if I can wait until then to find out!!!! I suppose I'll have to. . . but boy, has it taken over my thoughts! What if? WOW! And what if NOT? Why on earth am I so big? Is the baby okay? And so on go the thoughts of a pregnant woman.

We've thought of fun names for twins: Romeo and Juliet, Luke and Leila, Holly and Ivy, . . .. and no, we wouldn't REALLY do that to our children!!

In other news, my brother brought over the movie "Up." My hormones are a bit prone to overreaction and I cried like a baby. In the other room so he wouldn't make fun of me. I'm rather tired of movies that are promoted for children and really aren't.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had my mom, dad and brother over today. We enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal and I was soooo glad my mom was here! When it came time to prep the turkey, my pregnant body just couldn't handle it. I tried. Really, I did. I made it last year, NO PROBLEM! This morning, I woke my mom up a bit after 8am and requested her presence in the kitchen. She did a great job on the turkey. Meanwhile, I cut herbs in the garden to season the turkey. It got me out of the house, away from the turkey and still useful.

I also handled the sides. :) Sweet potatoes w/apples roasted in the oven (mmm), roasted vegetables that marinated for 2 days, steamed green beans, low fat pumpkin pie, pumpkin apple bread (1 g of fat per slice!), and of course, the turkey. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the togetherness, and we weren't soooo stuffed that we all fell asleep afterwards! We conversed and had coffee and played with the kids. It was great!

Friday, November 20, 2009


We spent the week in Brooksville with Terry's family. His uncle passed away on Saturday night, and we went to support Terry's cousin and aunt. I'm glad we did. It was good to be with family, and fun to watch Grace play with the cousins who are in her generation! AJ, too, enjoyed being around all the kids in the family.

I stayed back with the kids during the funeral. It didn't seem appropriate to subject my children to such a cold picture of death. I set out the food and helped hostess, getting drinks for people and meeting the friends of the family who had traveled to pay their respects.

My children have had colds all week, and 4 people sleeping in one hotel room (2 beds, one pallet on the floor) doesn't exactly make for a restful time. I'm glad to be home, in my own bed, tonight.

And I had no gallbladder flare ups. Good news, considering I had to turn down cinnamon rolls at breakfast, bagels with cream cheese, meatballs and my favorite, potato salad. (The good kind, with hardboiled eggs!! MMMM! My one spoonful was sooooo good!) It was worth it, though, to see the scale drop another 2 pounds AND avoid hours of terrible pain.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Surgeon update and Animal Kingdom

I met with the surgeon this week. I was afraid he would try to scare me into having the procedure during my 2nd trimester. He didn't. He said he would NOT do the surgery unless there was severe infection, and even then he would hospitalize me with antibiotics as an alternative method.

He said diet can play a big part in managing this. It's good news that I've been eating consistently low-fat food and have had no gallbladder flare ups.

So my gallbladder definitely needs to come out, but we can hopefully push it off until AFTER the baby is born.

I asked about bile salts and dissolving the stones, but he said that prescription and non-prescription gallbladder cleansers are not worth the money. They're ineffective, don't bother.

We went to Animal Kingdom yesterday. The kids were very well behaved. We went to the Bug's Life 3D movie, despite my misgivings. Sure enough, neither child enjoyed being hit by puffs of air, sprayed with water, or smelling the stinkbug. At one point, the bugs were going to show the humans what it was like to be sprayed with pesticide and I heard Grace cry, "What are they going to DO?" with sheer panic and terror in her voice. That's when we left. After our exit, I looked at Grace. Tears were streaming down her face and she couldn't stop shaking. I don't think Terry will insist we try that show again.

The kids LOVED Finding Nemo: The Musical. It was a very clever use of puppets and actors.

On the bumpy safari ride, AJ fell fast asleep.

It was a good day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Missing Post. . .

found it.

I spent this week "hibernating." Not going to the gym, just making it through moment by moment. I isolated myself from everyone. I just needed to process this stupid gallstone issue. As if having a baby isn't momentous enough.

My spirit is better today. It benefitted from being still. I feel more at peace with what comes my way, because I know that God is God. And I am not, to quote a song. And that's okay with me today.

AJ is doing better now, too. I kept him home from school Mon and Wed. because he had quite a cold/cough combo. He went back on Friday and had his best day yet at school. He even left without crying when I picked him up! I was so proud of him. He's also telling people "sorry" when he does or says something inappropriate or hurtful, because, "It's the nice thing to do."

He's opening the van door, shutting it, and strapping himself in ALL By HIMSELF! Dressing himself! Playing nicely with his sister! Playing nicely with the dog!
Using his words instead of crying! Turning 4 seemed to really help him. Perhaps this is what we've been waiting for.

And I've lost 8 pounds since discovering I was pregnant. That's due to exercise. . . and this lovely new low fat diet the gallbladder has put me on.

Thank goodness for Publix's Black Jack Cherry frozen yogurt. And Chick Fil A's grilled chicken sandwich with honey bbq sauce.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Blogger seems to have eaten my last post. I am doing better. I hibernated all week, just getting the bare necessities done and napping a lot.

I feel better today. I went to the gym yesterday and it wore me out, but it was good to move and sweat. It helped my mood significantly. I also weighed myself and have lost 8 lbs on the scale! Wow! (That's over the course of about 8 weeks).

Terry and I will meet with a surgeon on Tuesday to discuss what he recommends. I'd obviously like to avoid surgery if at all possible. Eating low fat seems to help significantly.

We went to Blizzard Beach today. It was windy! The kids liked it until AJ's fingers, toes and lips began turning blue. We had sushi (CA rolls for me with yummy lump blue crab, pineapple and avocado!) and are going to Animal Kingdom tomorrow. We are buying Disney's new FL resident season pass, which will restrict us to the blackout dates of the season pass, and only allow us Mon-Fri. But for a SAHM, and a husband with a great deal of saved up time off, this works. ANd it costs less than 3 normal day tickets. Yay!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rollercoaster of gallstones

I've gone from pure joy to sheer terror this week.

Joy over the baby. . . . and then I ate pizza. 2 slices of veggie pizza, to be exact. This caused terrible pain that lasted for at least 6 hours. I chalked it up to "gas" and moved on.

A week later, we made homemade pepperoni pizza. 8 hours of incredible pain followed. Definitely not gas. I saw my PCP, because the birthing center is an hour away and their OB wouldn't see me for 2 weeks. She scheduled me for an ultrasound.

I did get a peek at the baby as an incidental "perk" of getting to know the tech, who was 36 wks pregnant herself. It was neat to see the little "flicker" that is the baby.

As it turns out, my gallbladder is full of gallstones. I'm supposed to meet with a surgeon soon to review my options. They seem to be:

1. Surgery during the 2nd trimester to remove the gallbladder. Theoretically, this is safer than the first trimester and by the third trimester, the baby is too large to safely go in and remove the gallbladder. I hate to think of how the anesthesia and antibiotics may effect the baby. I mean, I'm trying so hard to have a natural, medication-free labor to protect the baby, and then to just roll in for surgery? Plus, this counts as abdominal surgery and how will that affect my chances of having a natural delivery vs. a c/section?

2. Suck it up? I've only had 2 attacks and I've eaten extremely low fat foods ever since. Nothing like fear of pain to motivate me in a way that Weight Watchers never could. The danger is that pregnancy exacerbates this, and I've heard that by the third trimester, it can get much worse. Besides causing pain, it can turn septic and endanger both me and the baby, causing jaundice, infection, and even meningitis.

3. Cleanse the gallbladder naturally with apples, olive oil and lemon juice. There may be more risk than is worth it, however.

4. Pray for a miracle.

Plus, I just contacted the birthing center again. The midwives will review the gallstones and my record and determine whether it is appropriate for me to continue in their care. Which sucks because I've wanted to deliver a baby there since I first stumbled upon their website over 3 years ago. I do have a wonderful OB, who did a great job with AJ, but the natural setting of The Birth Place really appealed to me. Hospitals tend to make me nervous, and that does not help a woman in labor. I'll have to fight to decline the IV and the electronic monitoring. . . . .anyhow.

I just can't stop freaking out right now. I feel depressed, worried, anxious. . . The Bible says, "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

But at this point, I can't help but worry. I can't help but cry. I feel helpless. If it was just ME, it would not be such a big deal. But this can have such a big impact on this new little person.