Monday, August 25, 2008

Angel's Literary Appetite

When we leave our home, Eve always goes in her crate and we put up baby gates in our hallway to keep Angel corraled. I followed Standard operating procedure when we left for church yesterday. We came home and discovered that Angel had stuck her head (we think) under the gate, twisted and grabbed a big pile of books neatly stacked next to our bookcase in our living room.

She left most intact. But she did enjoy three very special books: The sleeve to a hardbound book about Angels and Demons that I'd borrowed from church to teach Sunday School (so do I replace it? It's just the cover. . .. the book is still readable. . . but so embarrassing to return a book w/out the sleeve);  Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason; and A Tale of Two Cities (Didn't really like that book anyways).

Apparently she has a taste for British lit.

1 comment:

  1. If you're really worried about the sleeve, here's an idea. Check the book out from the library that is the exact size, go to a photocopy store that does the big sizes, and photocopy the cover, and then redo the jacket covering it with the clear contact paper you line shelves with. At least it would have a cover!

    But somehow I think that if you fess up to the pastor, everything would turn out to be ok.

    My other suggestion would be to tell the pastor that Angel ate the whole book, buy the book in paperback for the church and keep the copy for yourself (it's one of my favorite books, and I've reread it!

    let me know what you do! :)
