I started to think fancy. I took a huge shirt and trimmed it to size according to a shirt I own that fits properly. Then I snipped a V in the middle and voila! A V-Neck T-shirt! The sleeves and shoulders were awfully big, so I added a couple of long stitches along the shoulder seam, pulled on the threads and created gathered shoulders. They pulled up the shirt and look so cute! Here's a pic I took. . not the most flattering, but I think you'll at least get the idea of the shirt!
Lastly, I pulled out my serger and used orange variegated thread to create a lettuce edge around the sleeves and bottom of the shirt. I totally rocked out VBS today!!! :)
I received many compliments. And was rather proud of my efforts until Grace told me later, "Mommy, your shirt looks weird. It looks like you cut the front of it."
I replied, " I Did, Grace. Do you want me to make yours like mine?"
In response, she burst into (fake) tears. I take that as a "no."
Oh yeah, VBS went great today. Our leader in charge of all 1st grade seemed super frazzled and stressed. I dont know why--this was the most organized vacation bible school I've ever been associated with! No children were lost, everyone made it to snack, no one had a potty accident, and the kids seemed reasonably happy.
Grace told me that tomorrow, they will be "painting something Jewish". She concluded that they will bring in her best friend, who is Jewish, and everyone will paint her.
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