Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Search For Significance

This is a study my church has started, using the book of the same title. I'm excited  about the book and hoping to learn much from it! It's written by a Christian psychotherapist, and I suspect it will do my mental health a world of good. :)

Meanwhile, we're waiting to make our big "we're moving" announcement. We've let those in leadership at our church know, and i think we're going to make it public knowledge starting tonight at our home group. In a way, I'm afraid that we're backing out of a mission. In another way, I feel like we've done what we needed to do.

Terry and I have grown so much, spiritually and emotionally. I've watched Terry step into church leadership like he was born for it. I've seen him talk to coworkers about his faith and what Jesus means to him. I've watched him minister to other men at church in accountability groups. I've heard him witness to his family and I've seen him be a great soccer coach for Grace. I love him more than I ever have before, and I do believe that Utah helped make a good marriage fabulous. We've grown closer as a result of having to depend on each other, and we've supported each other in difficult moments.

I will miss our church dearly. But I miss my family, friends, and the ocean more.

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