Friday, September 19, 2008

Kindergarten Theology

Grace just told me:

"God will always love you, no matter what.  And we should never be afraid. In the Bible, angels  always say, 'Do not be afraid. Jesus is still here.'

Did you know that when Jesus grew up big and strong, a bad man saw him? And made him carry a big wooden heavy cross? And then he hung Jesus on the cross. And he DIED on the cross so that we won't die! "

Me: "That's right. That means that after we die, we get to go to Heaven."

GP: "Yes. And we'll be in heaven FOREVER! And then the pirates will be there, too!"



  1. P.S. show her the pictures of Pirate Kent on my facebook account

  2. Does she know that her uncle Kent is a pirate? :)
