Socks, in my house, always seem to disappear. Not both of a pair, although I suspect that's happened a few times. Usually it's just one so that I'm stuck with one that matches nothing. I tried buying all white for the kids, but that's so boring! And we accidentally buy different brands/cuffs and the AJ ends up with pink or something when Terry dresses him b/c he can't find socks for the kids and Grace's seem to work just fine if they're the only ones readily available, without a hunt under the dryer or the couch or in the dog's crate or in a pillowcase or something.Anyways, I found a solution!!
I bought some mesh lingerie bags with the zippers at the top. Whenever the kids or I take off our socks (Terry's dont disappear at the same rate ours do) we put them in the bag. I throw the bag in the washer and dryer, and voila! Out comes the zipped up bag with matching socks. Then I bring the bag to various bedrooms where the socks are unloaded directly into the drawers.
I think I'm a genius.
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