Terry and I both had massages for the first time. It was heaven! We also went on a dolphin cruise and had a tour of the homes on the bay, owned by the "rich and famous" like football players, a soap opera star, and the most spectacular home was owned by some guy who made his fortune recovering sunken ships' treasure.
And here is some kind of bird sanctuary in the middle of Tampa Bay. Thousands of birds crowd this one little area and roost. . .and leave their droppings.
Towards the end of the "cruise," we found dolphins! They surfaced out of the water and disappeared again. They weren't much interested in this boat full of humans. At the end of the two hours, we were sunburned and tired.
We also found some restaurants that had live jazz during our meals. We found it nice to linger over flourless chocolate cake and sip our wine, enjoying the music and people watching.
It was so peaceful. So nice. We haven't had a get away since AJ was born, and it was definitely time. The kids loved staying at Nana and Grandpa's house, and we booked them again to babysit next Saturday!!
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