This was the first Christmas away from my parents and extended family. I think we did a great job filling that void. The house had the tree up the day after Thanksgiving (the day my mom left after visiting us). We had many gifts for the kids--we ordered the BEST toys through Pea Pie Baby, owned by my good friend Elizabeth. The kids love all the play food! I'm still working on Grace's Waldorf doll--maybe another week before it's done? Maybe I'll just hang onto it until valentine's day. Maybe not. . . .
Terry and I cooked and cleaned up the cooking all afternoon--ham, sweet and sour meatballs, sweet potato souffle, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and homemade apple pies. It was delicious, and AJ actually consumed some vegetables over the course of the day. T spent most of his time peeling apples and slicing them. I tried to convince him that we needed an apple peeler/slicer/corer like one The Pampered Chef sells, and NOW he sees why!!!!!! But he did it mostly without complaint, to his credit.
It snowed and was just beautiful outside. We had the fire roaring in the fireplace and spent most of the day in the fireplace room. AJ was in his PJs until about 3pm. He doesn't like to put on new clothes. "Just leave me alone!" his attitude screams.
The children went to bed nicely, and we watched the last hour of Spiderman 3. Very festive, I know. :)
Today I convinced Terry to take a SPIN class with me at the gym. It felt good to burn off breakfast!! I promised Gracie a movie today--she wants to see Enchanted again. I'd like to take her to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, but she's pretty stuck on Enchanted, which she has ALREADY seen with Terry. Plus Mr. Magorium is at the cheap theater, since it came out around Thanksgiving. I suspect we're going to see Enchanted.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
"Lightweight Challenge"
My gym offered a "Lightweight Challenge", which involved taking 18 classes between Nov. 26 and Dec 22 and losing a pound by Dec 22. That equals 4.5 classes a week, and the incentive included a party today, a free raffle and a T-shirt.
I actually completed the 18 classes, lost 2 pounds, and was so proud of myself.I worked really really hard, and asked my husband to swing by there on our way to run errands so I could pick up my T-shirt. Keep in mind I'm a big girl--shirt size for me is XXL (women's 18).
So I get there, and all the shirts (Men's and Ladies') are Small, Medium or Large. I was among the first people to get there, so I'm sure that they didn't just run out. I KNOW I'm not the only bigger person who did the challenge, and I'm so insulted. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed.
I started to walk away, changed my mind and grabbed a Large ladies' tank. I figured I earned it, whether it fit or not.
I felt like they assumed bigger people couldn't do that many classes. I got in the van and cried. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to add some extra panels in at the sides--it's just a basic black tank with the Gold's Gym logo on the front. So some black panels on the side might work, if I can figure it out. . . .
Anyways. I don't even really want to go back there right now. I was pissy and dh asked this afternoon if I wanted to go work out and he'd watch the kids. No thanks. Why would I want to go back there????
I decided to email a letter. Here's what I wrote:
"I was very disappointed in the 'Biggest Lightweight' challenge. I worked very hard to attend all 18 classes and lose some weight. I recognize that the weight loss is truly the ultimate goal. But I was so excited about earning a T-shirt. I went out of my way to arrive on time for the party today and celebrate. I felt disappointed, insulted and ashamed when I went to get a T-shirt and you had only ordered sizes Small, Medium and Large. I am full figured, and require at least a XXL. I sorted through both the ladies' and men's shirts. I felt as if Gold's Gym had decided that big people could not possibly complete the challenge. I was in tears as I left, extremely embarrassed and ashamed of my size. I am reluctant to return now, feeling that I am being judged because of weight. What should have been a day for me to be proud of my hard work turned into a day of shame regarding my plus size. I feel an apology and a shirt is in order for those of us (I certainly am not the only plus-sized person who participated in the challenge) who were excluded today. "
I actually completed the 18 classes, lost 2 pounds, and was so proud of myself.I worked really really hard, and asked my husband to swing by there on our way to run errands so I could pick up my T-shirt. Keep in mind I'm a big girl--shirt size for me is XXL (women's 18).
So I get there, and all the shirts (Men's and Ladies') are Small, Medium or Large. I was among the first people to get there, so I'm sure that they didn't just run out. I KNOW I'm not the only bigger person who did the challenge, and I'm so insulted. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed.
I started to walk away, changed my mind and grabbed a Large ladies' tank. I figured I earned it, whether it fit or not.
Anyways. I don't even really want to go back there right now. I was pissy and dh asked this afternoon if I wanted to go work out and he'd watch the kids. No thanks. Why would I want to go back there????
I decided to email a letter. Here's what I wrote:
"I was very disappointed in the 'Biggest Lightweight' challenge. I worked very hard to attend all 18 classes and lose some weight. I recognize that the weight loss is truly the ultimate goal. But I was so excited about earning a T-shirt. I went out of my way to arrive on time for the party today and celebrate. I felt disappointed, insulted and ashamed when I went to get a T-shirt and you had only ordered sizes Small, Medium and Large. I am full figured, and require at least a XXL. I sorted through both the ladies' and men's shirts. I felt as if Gold's Gym had decided that big people could not possibly complete the challenge. I was in tears as I left, extremely embarrassed and ashamed of my size. I am reluctant to return now, feeling that I am being judged because of weight. What should have been a day for me to be proud of my hard work turned into a day of shame regarding my plus size. I feel an apology and a shirt is in order for those of us (I certainly am not the only plus-sized person who participated in the challenge) who were excluded today. "
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The other day, I was making breakfast when Grace and I heard AJ start to wake up. I was making French toast and was covered in raw egg at the moment, so decided to finish making breakfast before I rescued AJ from his room. Grace disappeared and all was quiet. I finished my task, and went downstairs to get AJ. I found Grace in his room, also. He sleeps with his door open, and a baby gate across the doorway. Grace said she had tried to help him out, but couldn't. So instead, she climbed in with him.
Isn't that exactly how Jesus works?? Not that he CANT help us out of sticky situations, but often, it's up to us to work out logistics of problems. Jesus climbs in and sits with us in our messy places--in our brokenness--and comforts us.
Isn't that exactly how Jesus works?? Not that he CANT help us out of sticky situations, but often, it's up to us to work out logistics of problems. Jesus climbs in and sits with us in our messy places--in our brokenness--and comforts us.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It's been quite a while since I've seriously read any decent theology books. I started asking Christians--like my pastors at church and friends online--who their favorites are.
My friend Scott loaned me a book by his favorite, N.T. Wright. I've been reading slowly (rather than speedily, as is my custom, and missing half of the important stuff) and so far, I quite like it. He's setting the case for studying the Historical Jesus, in the 1st Century context during which Jesus lived, so that we can better understand how to interact as Christians in today's world. . . .
My friend Scott loaned me a book by his favorite, N.T. Wright. I've been reading slowly (rather than speedily, as is my custom, and missing half of the important stuff) and so far, I quite like it. He's setting the case for studying the Historical Jesus, in the 1st Century context during which Jesus lived, so that we can better understand how to interact as Christians in today's world. . . .
Recipe for a Merry Christmas
Recipe for a Merry Christmas:
Take the crisp cold of a December night, add two generous parts of snow, stir in air so clear it tinkles.
Into a generous heart, mix the wonder of a little girl, the sparkle of a young boy's glance, the love of parents, and set gently before the chimney side.
Add the lightest touch of a reindeer's hooves, a sprig of holly, a scent of fir.
Set the mixture to rise in the warmth of a dream of good will to men.
It will be almost ready to serve when it bubbles with warmth and good feeling.
Bedeck with the light of a star set in the East, garnish with shining balls of gold, silver, and red.
Serve to the tune of an ancient carol in the middle of the family table.
(I received this from my friend Mike at Mikey's Funnies.
Take the crisp cold of a December night, add two generous parts of snow, stir in air so clear it tinkles.
Into a generous heart, mix the wonder of a little girl, the sparkle of a young boy's glance, the love of parents, and set gently before the chimney side.
Add the lightest touch of a reindeer's hooves, a sprig of holly, a scent of fir.
Set the mixture to rise in the warmth of a dream of good will to men.
It will be almost ready to serve when it bubbles with warmth and good feeling.
Bedeck with the light of a star set in the East, garnish with shining balls of gold, silver, and red.
Serve to the tune of an ancient carol in the middle of the family table.
(I received this from my friend Mike at Mikey's Funnies.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's my birthday.
I cried today. Just feeling homesick. My dad left a message on the machine, and he never calls. So that was nice. My sister called, who also never does that. She said she thought about calling at midnight last night, but decided I wouldn't appreciate it. :) My friends called--Tracy, and then Carin. And then my mom wanted to see how the day had gone. I used to go to Charley's Steakhouse off OBT in Orlando for my birthday. My parents always babysat for the kids, so I'd see them, too. Usually my girl-friends would celebrate with me over the weekend, too. No one in Utah even knows its my birthday. Except for our friends Scott and Melanie--who facebooked me a nice message. It's so stupid to cry over this. But I feel so homesick right now. I just want to go HOME.
Terry woke me before he left for work to wish me a great day. My mom called at the crack of dawn (7am) as usual, (since college) to sing Happy Birthday to me. I crawled back to bed. I took the kids to Target to get their annual Christmas pic taken. Then I made it to the gym for cycling class--I'm up to #12. I have 6 more classes to get to before Dec 23 so I can get a T-shirt. And 1/2 lb to go, too. :) Called the mortgage company to discuss short-saleing the house. Good news there. Took the kids to McD's as a reward for being quiet while I was on the phone. They had Icecream cones and choc. chip cookies. I had a chicken salad. It started snowing, so I had a perilous drive home up the hill on our street.
Made it inside, heard all the well-wishers on the answering machine and lost it. I know that we are in Utah for a reason. I believe that our family has been called to help light the darkness here. I believe that my family is growing spiritually as a result of our move. But man, I miss Florida.
Terry woke me before he left for work to wish me a great day. My mom called at the crack of dawn (7am) as usual, (since college) to sing Happy Birthday to me. I crawled back to bed. I took the kids to Target to get their annual Christmas pic taken. Then I made it to the gym for cycling class--I'm up to #12. I have 6 more classes to get to before Dec 23 so I can get a T-shirt. And 1/2 lb to go, too. :) Called the mortgage company to discuss short-saleing the house. Good news there. Took the kids to McD's as a reward for being quiet while I was on the phone. They had Icecream cones and choc. chip cookies. I had a chicken salad. It started snowing, so I had a perilous drive home up the hill on our street.
Made it inside, heard all the well-wishers on the answering machine and lost it. I know that we are in Utah for a reason. I believe that our family has been called to help light the darkness here. I believe that my family is growing spiritually as a result of our move. But man, I miss Florida.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
I hate
that my kids are catching every virus known to man since we moved to Utah.
Grace threw up last night over a dozen times --about every 45 minutes--from 8pm to 6sam. She had to miss her dance recital today, and now she's borderline dehydrated. If she still hasn't urinated by 10pm tonight, we have to take her to the ER for IV fluids. UGH She's chosen to go to bed now, and I've been giving her Gatorade and popsicles. Apparently this kind of virus (AJ had it first, but much more mild) ebbs and flows--the nausea disappears for a day and then comes back. So if she's not hydrated by the time it comes back, she could really be in danger. :( I hate to see her so meek and mild. That's not like her at all. :(
Grace threw up last night over a dozen times --about every 45 minutes--from 8pm to 6sam. She had to miss her dance recital today, and now she's borderline dehydrated. If she still hasn't urinated by 10pm tonight, we have to take her to the ER for IV fluids. UGH She's chosen to go to bed now, and I've been giving her Gatorade and popsicles. Apparently this kind of virus (AJ had it first, but much more mild) ebbs and flows--the nausea disappears for a day and then comes back. So if she's not hydrated by the time it comes back, she could really be in danger. :( I hate to see her so meek and mild. That's not like her at all. :(
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Nice day!
Well, AJ threw up all afternoon yesterday. Poor guy. He was up early (yes, 7am is early for us) and instead of putting him back to bed, I decided that most people start their day at 7 and I could suck it up. I got so much done! I took care of AJ, got some sewing done, and am halfway through making Grace's Waldorf Doll for Christmas. (go toDancing Rain Dolls to see some of the beautiful creations!)
We stayed in today, so I didn't get a work out class in--so much for this week. I have to go every day next week to get all 18 classes in before the 22nd! Anyways, I sewed and read books and played cards with Grace and the kids were AWESOME. AJ took a loooooong nap, of course, while G and I made cookies. I had the kids bathed (AJ woke up with a rash, so that's not good. . . but the bath seemed to help significantly) by the time Terry came home and I headed out for my cookie exchange party!
I came home late and Terry said that the House Fairy needed to visit Grace, as that's the best she's gone to bed in a long time. And apparently Eve was naughty and put herself in time out in the crate. LOL silly dog.
We stayed in today, so I didn't get a work out class in--so much for this week. I have to go every day next week to get all 18 classes in before the 22nd! Anyways, I sewed and read books and played cards with Grace and the kids were AWESOME. AJ took a loooooong nap, of course, while G and I made cookies. I had the kids bathed (AJ woke up with a rash, so that's not good. . . but the bath seemed to help significantly) by the time Terry came home and I headed out for my cookie exchange party!
I came home late and Terry said that the House Fairy needed to visit Grace, as that's the best she's gone to bed in a long time. And apparently Eve was naughty and put herself in time out in the crate. LOL silly dog.
Recent visitors
We were visited today by some LDS missionaries. My heart breaks for them. They are so misguided--I can't imagine feeling so burdened by good works and not being able to express doubt. These young men were kind, earnest and intelligent. Just completely misguided.
My pastor said that often it takes 15 years for a mormon to leave the church--seeds can be planted by kind Christians when they're "missionaries" and then years later help them leave.
PLEASE please please pray for them. I feel so sad for the LDS members. The missionaries are coming back next week, and I hope that something I say will stick with them.
Our prayer has been that since we're stuck in Utah, God will not just help us to survive here but that we will help be a light in this spiritually dark place. We want to be a catalyst to lead people to Jesus Christ.
They call themselves Christians. BUT--I found a Christian website that ministers to Mormons and they had much information for those of us who are a bit unfamiliar with them. It's Lighthouse Ministries
Here's what they say regarding Mormons being just another Protestant Christian denomination:
"No, the Mormon Church does not claim to be Protestant. It claims to be a divine restoration of Christ's true church. It therefore rejects the validity of any other church. Its basic beliefs place it outside the standard doctrines of Christianity. Mormonism teaches that the God to whom they pray is but one of a whole series of gods who at one time were mortal then progressed to godhood. The LDS Church teaches that their Heavenly Father was once born as a spirit child of a god and wife who ruled a different world. After maturing as a spirit being he was sent to another world where he was born as a human. There he grew to maturity, married, died, was resurrected, went to heaven, progressed and eventually became the God of our world. He and his resurrected wife continue to have spirit children born to them in their heavenly realm. The Mormon man, accompanied by his wife, who is faithful to his religion, pays his tithe, attends the LDS temple rituals, etc. is hoping to eventually progress to become a god of another world, just like his Heavenly Father did. "
Staci's note: Many members of LDS will claim that they do not intend to become "gods" and will say that they just want to be "like God, in much the same way you want your children to be like or better than yourself." Just be aware that they tend to twist things!!!
My pastor said that often it takes 15 years for a mormon to leave the church--seeds can be planted by kind Christians when they're "missionaries" and then years later help them leave.
PLEASE please please pray for them. I feel so sad for the LDS members. The missionaries are coming back next week, and I hope that something I say will stick with them.
Our prayer has been that since we're stuck in Utah, God will not just help us to survive here but that we will help be a light in this spiritually dark place. We want to be a catalyst to lead people to Jesus Christ.
They call themselves Christians. BUT--I found a Christian website that ministers to Mormons and they had much information for those of us who are a bit unfamiliar with them. It's Lighthouse Ministries
Here's what they say regarding Mormons being just another Protestant Christian denomination:
"No, the Mormon Church does not claim to be Protestant. It claims to be a divine restoration of Christ's true church. It therefore rejects the validity of any other church. Its basic beliefs place it outside the standard doctrines of Christianity. Mormonism teaches that the God to whom they pray is but one of a whole series of gods who at one time were mortal then progressed to godhood. The LDS Church teaches that their Heavenly Father was once born as a spirit child of a god and wife who ruled a different world. After maturing as a spirit being he was sent to another world where he was born as a human. There he grew to maturity, married, died, was resurrected, went to heaven, progressed and eventually became the God of our world. He and his resurrected wife continue to have spirit children born to them in their heavenly realm. The Mormon man, accompanied by his wife, who is faithful to his religion, pays his tithe, attends the LDS temple rituals, etc. is hoping to eventually progress to become a god of another world, just like his Heavenly Father did. "
Staci's note: Many members of LDS will claim that they do not intend to become "gods" and will say that they just want to be "like God, in much the same way you want your children to be like or better than yourself." Just be aware that they tend to twist things!!!
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